Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lobet den Herren (Paul Gerhardt - 1653)


(1) Lobet den Herren, alle die ihn ehren

lasst uns mit Freuden seinem Namen singen

und Preis und Dank zu seinem Altar bringen

Lobet den Herren..


( 2) Der unser Leben, das er uns gegeben

in dieser Nacht so väterlich bedecket

und aus dem Schlaf uns fröhlich auferwecket

Lobet den Herren..


(3) Dass uns're Sinnen wir noch brauchen können

und Händ und Füße, Zung und Lippen regen

das haben wir zu danken seinem Segen

Lobet den Herren..


(4) Dass Feuerflammen uns nicht allzusammen

mit unsern Häusern unversehns gefressen

das macht's dass wir in seinem Schoß gesessen

Lobet den Herren..


(5) Dass Dieb und Räuber unser Gut und Leiber

nicht angetast' und grausamlich verletzet

dawider hat sein Engel sich gesetzet

Lobet den Herren..


(6) O treuer Hüter, Brunnen aller Güter

ach lass doch ferner über unser Leben

bei Tag und Nacht dein Huld und Güte schweben

Lobet den Herren..


(7) Gib, dass wir heute, Herr durch dein Geleite

auf unsern Wegen unverhindert gehen

und überall in deiner Gnade stehen

Lobet den Herren..


Treib unsern Willen, dein Wort zu erfüllen

hilf uns gehorsam wirken deine Werke

und wo wir schwach sind, da gib du uns Stärke

Lobet den Herren..


(9) Richt' unsre Herzen, dass wir ja nicht scherzen

mit deinen Strafen, sondern fromm zu werden

vor deiner Zukunft uns bemühn auf Erden

Lobet den Herren..


(10) Herr du wirst kommen und all deine Frommen

die sich bekehren, gnädig dahin bringen

da alle Engel ewig, ewig singen

Lobet den Herren..


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Nautical Pickup Lines with Sailor Extraordinaire Holly Martin




Holly Martin is awesome. She's got balls the size of your grampa's gunky 
PENN SENATOR REEL. But more importantly.. She's also got..

the WOBBEGONG SHARK! The WOBBEGONG SHARK is really underrated. He needs more exposure. Not all people have a name as fancy as the WOBBEGONG SHARK. 

She's also got a really cool OCTOPUS. It's such high build quality, you don't have to send it in for revision every 24 months. Amazing.


don't believe me. check for yourself.


Reina del Cid aka Elle Cordova really is Selena Gomez (and Yhivi)

If I'm fulla DooDoo and Reina Del Ship (now performing under her "real name" *facepalm smilie*  Elle Cordova is not Selena Gomez and all other alters... Then why-oh-why.. 

do both girls have a girl-crush on Meryl Streep?


Reina (or Elle) also covered "Cruella de Vil" which turns out to be a Selena Gomez song.

Was busy uploading Reina's Songs to LT tonight. Had planned to do something entirely different, and work on the screenplay for my first short film, but got stuck on LT, lol. She has many unique RAPS and other stuff.

RAPS that you won't find the transcripts for on the internet. She can write songs about pretty much everything. (even STAR TREK Beverages) I bet she's also a solid screenwriter. Screenwriting isn't actually that easy if you've never done it. Thought i could nail my Short in 2 days, now it's been a week and I'm still stuck with the first draft in a London Hotel. At least got most of the dialogue and the general setting down. but I digress..

Selena is the name of the Mooh Gomez. I mean the Moon Goddess. The moon in astrology represents emotion. it waxes and wanes quickly, like emotions do. 

Reina or Elle or whatever name she uses is pretty damn intelligent, but at the same time projects a warmth that you will hardly find in most top-tier performers on this planet (that make the 'hit list' for my  blog). Being highly creative and imaginative (good with words), she can crank out new high quality songs at a fast pace. When Elle/Reina tours, she hits several cities on a continent in rapid succession, just like pop superstars habitually do. She has very high quality content but at the same time gives you the feel you're sitting with the girl next door or classmate, jamming along on your cheap Epiphone that you saved up six months to buy.. 

Many of Reina/Elle's songs are about feelings, or outer space. She seems to be an astronomy buff, and knows her Sci Fi and Deep Space Nine Trivia. Proably her ancestors were Krogan.

She sings only in american english (at least in this alter) but reminds more of a mexican chick. Mexico feels like you're family with everyone, people are generally less high-end (but also less high-maintenance). They open up faster and relate emotionally. Mexicans will ship drugs all week but go to church on sunday. They will give their last hundred Pesos to help you. Well, probably not in Cancun (Even the bus drivers there will screw you over for a buck..) But in many other places.

Her Sea Shanty didn't even have lyrics for it on the internet. Just got swept under the rug. Had to transcript it by hand.. After the first listen, i knew it was a great song, and should be performed on a huge stage by a superband full of hairy old men, wearing Jimmy Buffett Shirts (or Jolly Roger Flags), Bottles of Grog in hand. So much good songs go to waste, while we're inundated with soul numbing radio crap. I just can't believe this planet. it's an Oxymoron.

No clue why I dig her songwriting style. Might be a generational thing. She popped in the late 80s (give or take) , i'm also an 80s child. Millennials can't see the value in a song having a good rythm, a melody and intelligent or witty lyrics. They think it's all about them, listening to Drill Rap of black Dudes or Wiggers posing as Human Monkeys, clad in tattooes, Platinum grids on their teeth, hung like christmas trees with gold chains. Producing Noises that no Biologist can decypher.

But good songs can last several centuries. If you know how to write good songs. Your skin will age faster than they will.


the moon is a very thankful astronomy object for your bino. Use it.



Hey Holmes, wanna hear my latest Mariachi Banger? 

Tenk Yu.. Sats naiss off yoh, butt eye sink.. Eye sink i'll poss..

Whatever Holmes, just don't go loco..


Dairy Queen of the Lone Star State -- JIMMY BUCKWHEAT & HIS COWTIPPERS

  -    -    -    - ( ACAPELLA INTRO ) -    -    -    - ( HUMMING ) ( HUMMING ) ( HUMMING ) -    -    -    - ( MAIN VOCALS, MALE ) -    -    ...